M2M: What is Machine-to-Machine?

M2M is the abbreviation for machine-to-machine.

M2M communication:

M2M is the abbreviation for machine-to-machine and refers to the exchange of data and information between different end devices and platforms. These include vehicles, vending machines, machines, GPS trackers and many more.

The idea of exchanging data between machines is not new and dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. Back then, however, data was exchanged exclusively via wired connections. Things have changed since then. Most data connections for wireless communication are now wireless, in most cases via M2M SIM cards. wherever SIM offers customers and partners just such M2M SIM cards, which enable devices to connect to the Internet. The advantages of a wireless M2M connection are obvious: even machines in remote locations can be integrated comparatively easily, whereas previously cables had to be laid at great expense.

M2M is often used synonymously with IoT (Internet of Things), although there is a distinction here: M2M is about the automated exchange of data between machines and platforms, while IoT refers to all devices that transmit data (with the exception of smartphones and PCs).